Will the angioplasty hurt the injection of local anaesthetic can be uncomfortable but there should not be any pain once this takes effect. There may be some mild discomfort when the balloon is inflated.

The risks of angioplasty are very low. However, every procedure has complications. For angioplasty, these include: Bruising at the site where the artery is punctured.

  • Bruising at the site where the artery is punctured.
  • Bleeding at the puncture site can occur which may cause a clot to form around the artery (haematoma). If this is very large a small operation may be needed to place a stitch to stop further bleeding.
  • Although very rare, it is possible for the artery to become completely blocked. In extreme circumstances, this could lead to complete loss of blood supply to the limb.
  • Some patients have an allergic reaction to the x-ray dye. This can result in a rash or breathing difficulties. This is usually minor but some people need to take medication to help reaction settle.
  • When the balloon is inflated it is possible for the artery to rupture. This is very rare and can sometimes be repaired in the x-ray department with a stent. If this is not possible, an urgent operation may be required to repair the artery.
  • When wires and tubes are being passed through the blockage it is possible for small fragments of the material causing the blockage to be dislodged. If this happens they may pass further down the leg and cause another blockage (embolization). In this circumstance, a further operation may be required to remove these fragments. Most times these can be removed without the need for surgery.