Symptoms of PAD includes pain.  PVD mainly affects blood circulation to the legs and feet. Many people with PVD do not have any symptoms (asymptomatic PVD). For people who have PVD with symptoms, the most common is pain in the legs, particularly the calves, when walking. The pain usually goes away within several minutes after stopping exercise.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Numbness, weakness or a feeling of heaviness in the legs with no pain
  • Hair loss on your feet and legs
  • Poor nail growth (brittle toenails)
  • Cool or shiny skin on your legs, or cold or numb toes
  • A change in the colour of your legs
  • A weak pulse in your legs or feet.
  • Sores or ulcers on your toes and feet that do not heal properly
  • Pain in the legs while resting
  • Pain in the feet or toes while resting, especially when lying flat.

Symptoms of PAD

Symptoms of PAD